
Monday, September 2, 2013

August Update

So... I set some lofty goals at the beginning of the year (I still don't really want to call them resolutions... resolutions too often get broken. So... I set goals. I just happened to set them on Jan. 1st)
How am I doing?
Let's take a look.

1. Be active everyday - at least do something! I'm good about being active during the week and hitting the gym - the weekends, not so much. I'd like to change that.
As usual, I missed a few days here and there.  Take a look.  But I keep trying!  Maybe one month before the end of the year I will actually have a month where I don't miss a single day.  

2. Run 400 miles. I'm worried this might be too much of a stretch for me, considering I don't go much more than 3 miles ever (three times a week), but I can give it a try! I ran about 250 in 2012, so maybe I can be a little more consistent and up my mileage in 2013.
I had some downtime from running this month, especially since I had to travel for work, but I still did pretty good with my mileage!  This month I ran 34.05 Miles.  This brings my total 2013 mileage to 280.07/400 miles. 

3. Run my first 5K since high school cross country.
I'm registered for a race in September!

4. Finish my prayer shawl for St. Mary's Hospital
Finished in April during my spring break - it's huge!

5. Knit 5 Chemo caps   
Total is now 3/5.
Soooo close to being done with number 4!  Just have 10 rows left!

6. Finish one of my other UFO knitting projects
Didn't happen.  Another one I need to work on, better get moving as the year is ticking away (and I'm crazy busy now that I'm back to work!) 

7. Take two masters classes - I am very unmotivated about working towards my master's but I know I should be taking advantage of the tuition reimbursement at Connections Academy
This one may not happen. I still haven't taken one class yet. I'm not motivated to take the class and worried about overbooking myself. I value the little free time that I do have!

8. Visit one new city or state
Done in Feb. during my honeymoon. I was in Ft. Lauderdale, San Juan Puerto Rico, St. Thomas USVI, and Half Moon Cay.
Also went to Thunder Bay Ontario this month!  Whoot!  Added another new country :)  But sadly no new passport stamps :(

9. Be a better wife (I know, it's vague), but somedays I don't feel like I do that well in this area. Maybe I'm still getting the hang of it since I've only been married 2 1/2 months.
Work in progress.  All I can say I that I have an awesome husband, who I love, and some days don't feel like I deserve him.    

10. Be kinder to myself. M keeps telling me that I'm too hard on myself and need to relax some and be nicer to myself and everything will be ok. We both know that being kind to yourself can be tough, but I want to try to make some improvements in this area.
This month I struggled with worries and worrying - a lot.  M can usually calm me down pretty quick, so that's good, but I wish I didn't worry so much in the first place.  Still working on it.  

1 comment:

  1. Well done Danielle! You're keeping at your goals and getting there! Always good to do a review and check your progress! Good luck with your continuing progress!
    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success
