
Monday, January 12, 2015

Organize that Tupperware!

Happy New Year Everyone!  I am so excited to be back to blogging :)  How are your new year's resolutions going?  Is one of them to be more organized?
With the turn of the year, many people use this time to a fresh start and try to get more organized in their life.  Last year I shared with you a binder I made to organize my homemade birthday cards.  This year, I am sharing with you how I organized my baking cabinet.  It also happens to be part of the Silhouette Challenge and I am so excited to take part in my first challenge.  (Can I just say I love my Silhouette Cameo?!  I really do - it's been awesome to learn to use is the last several months and there are so many amazing projects out there.  I can't wait to share more of the cute things I have made, but those are posts for another day :)
So clearly I love to bake - if you know me or have been reading long, you will find many yummy treats on here.  Every good baker needs to have her supplies easily accessible.  One of the things I loved about my husband's house when we first got married was the space for my baking supplies - It was a serious treat after having things stuffed in odd places in my tiny galley kitchen in my apartment.

While I love my baking cabinet, it definitely needed a bit of a face-lift and some organization.  This project fit the bill and was a super simple one to tackle.
The first thing I did was measure the face of each of the different sizes of Tupperware I wanted to label.

Next I picked a font I liked (I used KC Lemonade - so fun!)  (second side note - KC Lemonade came from and typed out my labels in the Studio program.  The KC font was pretty good, but to be on the safe side, I did offset the text by .02, just to make it a tiny bit thicker and easier to cut out.
I double check my measurements, to make sure that everything would fit, then it was time to cut!  I used Oracle 651 vinyl and used the default cut settings in Studio for vinyl.  I also used my mat when I was cutting.  
Once everything was cut out, it was time to weed it out (get rid of all the parts of vinyl you don't want, leaving just your letters)
I didn't have any transfer tape at the time, so I used a lint roller sheet instead.  Place your transfer tape over your design, and use your scraper tool to get it to stick to your letters.  Then slowly peel the backing away.  Now place your letters on your Tupperware and use the scraper tool again to get the vinyl to adhere to your Tupperware.  

Repeat as needed for each label you made. 
Ta Da!  All neatly labeled.  Now I not forever confusing my flour and sugar at first glace.  

I love how my cabinet looks now too - all pretty and organized.

Thanks for stopping by!

Want to Check Out More Silhouette Projects?

My Silhouette Challenge buddies and I are all sharing projects on our blogs today, so peruse the projects below for a wealth of Silhouette inspiration!

Organizing With Icons Butterfly Labels Customizing Your Erin Condren Life Planner Weekly Layout Organizing Your Craft Supplies with Labels Weekly Menu Box Peg Board Entry Way Order In Kid Land A Fun Way to Label Binders Sugar and Spice Looking Oh So Nice Turning a Plain Cabinet into Something Beautiful DIY Cash Budget Envelopes Flour and Sugar Pantry Container Labels Personalized Hair Bow Organizer Organize your Refrigerator DIY Vinyl Decorated Coupon Organizer 2015 Blog Planner Designed For Dragonfly & Lily Pads Laminated Labels with Your Silhouette The Secrets of How We Built Our DIY Play Kitchen Creative Way to Dry Winter Mittens Organizing Canvas Toy Bins with Labels Kids Closet Storage {with Rubbermaid Drawer Dresser and Vinyl Labels} Cute Gold Binder Labels {2015 Organization} Easy Vinyl Storage Organization and TWO Free Cut Files Personalized Ring Holders Upcycle for Organization Organizing Makeup with Style: A Monogrammed Makeup Case Vinyl Tupperware Labels How to Make a Chalkboard Clipboard Christmas Card Memory Book Simple DIY Holiday Storage Labels DIY Vinyl Frame Calendar with {FREE CUT FILE} Ribbons & Tapes Upcycled Organizing Box Print and Cut Pantry Labels
1. Please Excuse My Craftermath... // 2. Simply Kelly Designs // 3. Daily Dwelling // 4. Ginger Snap Crafts // 5. Our Southern Home // 6. Sowdering About // 7. The Moberg Family // 8. Decor Adventures // 9. Pineapples and Pinecones // 10. Patina Paradise // 11. The Thinking Closet // 12. It Happens in a Blink // 13. Adventures in All Things Food // 14. From Wine to Whine // 15. Practically Functional // 16. Dragonfly & Lily Pads // 17. unOriginal Mom // 18. One Dog Woof // 19. Creative Ramblings // 20. My Favorite Finds // 21. Create it. Go! // 22. A Prudent Life // 23. Where The Smiles Have Been // 24. Barb's Life // 25. Everyday Paper // 26. Pitter and Glink // 27. Peanut Life Adventures // 28. Feto Soap Blog // 29. Our Rosey Life // 30. Two Purple Couches // 31. My Paper Craze // 32. TitiCrafty // 33. Lil Mrs Tori


  1. Cute labels!! Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Really cute and organised! Thanks for sharing x

  3. So nice to have everything in a container and labeled so it can easily be found! Great job. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  4. So cute! My cabinets are my most unorganized area of the house. This would be a great idea.

  5. Nice labels! I would love it if you joined and contribute your awesome posts at my link party at City of Creative Dreams, starts on Fridays at 9AM eastern time :D Hope to see you there at City of Creative Dreams Link Party.

  6. That is awesome! I never would have thought of using a lint roller if you don't have transfer paper. Love that font! Going to go get it right now. Thanks for linking up with the BestofBlogosphere.

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