
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Feb Updated on Goals

Yes, I missed the January update - consider that my house was under construction - we're renovating our only bathroom - so life was very crazy at the end of the month.  We had several mix-ups and delays, but hopefully by the end of this week everything will FINALLY be done in our gorgeous new bathroom!  :)
Without further ado, here's my update on my goal progess. 

They're baaaaack!  In 2013 I made goals (I don't like the word resolution) and updated you every month.
I missed doing that in 2014.  2015 is going to be a busy year, I am sure, but I missed the written down goals and looking at my progress throughout the year.  So I'm writing down a few goals for this year to give myself some guidance.

1. Run 215 miles (yes, this mileage is shorter than my goals in previous years, but I've been so sore lately, I've barely been able to run, so I need to slowly build a solid base again)
I think I've run maybe two miles this entire year - not off to a good start!
2. Knit 5 Chemo Caps
I have 1/2 of one done!
3. Finish my next prayer shawl
No progress on this yet.
4. Make 52 Cards for Operation Write Home
Haven't started these - I've been making some personal cards instead.
5. Personal goal - not exactly sure on this one yet - stay tuned :)
6. Date night with my husband - at least once a month!
Mission accomplished in Feb - we had a lovely Valentines weekend away including a Cross Country Ski race called book across the bay
7. Open an Etsy shop and sell at least one item (to someone who is not my mom, lol)
I started doing some prep work with some items, getting them ready to go and writing descriptions, but it's not open yet
8. I also want to do Project Pinterest again - this year I want to actually DO 15 things I pin on Pinterest :)
  1. In Jan I make crockpot apple oatmeal

These are the things I would like to do this year.  What are your goals for the new year?

Linking up at some of these great parties!


  1. If you have a furry friend living with you, accidents are bound to happen. When dealing with pet pee or other pet stains on the carpet – urine, poop, or vomit – immediate action combined with deep cleaning can typically restore the carpet to pristine condition. Even if you don’t notice a pet pee until it has dried and set into the carpet, the stain can still be treated. You should never use harsh chemical cleaners that have a strong, caustic smell when cleaning pet stains on carpet. They rarely remove carpet odors from the fibers and might actually encourage pets to mark on the carpet again. To get rid of pet stains, try homemade cleaning products.
    The most effective way to remove pet pee from carpet
    Carpet Cleaning Methods in Singapore
    What to know about biting dust mites? Do dust mites bite?

  2. "There are some basic rules about vacuuming floors that, once understood, can make the process of vacuuming floors more efficient. If you are a perfectionist, the disappointing news is that you may have to clean the same area of carpet up to seven times in order to remove all soil! Here are some cleaning tips from Ocean Clean, the the best deep cleaning company in Singapore.
    8 Tips for More Efficient Vacuuming
    Carpet Vacuuming: How to Do It Right
    Remove Tea Stains From Carpet"
